Elmer F. Meyers
The family of this name in Wayne county was founded by Samuel Hannah Myers, who came to this section in 1832 and settled on a half section of land in the eastern part of Congress township. They farmed this land successfully after the methods prevailing at that early time, lived the quiet lives usual to people in sparsely settled neighborhoods and were finally gathered to their fathers without blame or reproach. They were interred in the cemetery located on their homestead, where also three others of the name have been laid by their side. Among their children was Solomon Myers, who was born in Berks county, Pennsylvania, in 1829, and came to Ohio with his parents. He married Elizabeth Naftzger, a descendant of early pioneers and a native of Harrison county, Ohio. Her grandparents Jacob and Elizabeth Naftzger, were very prominent members of the United Brethren church and the first meeting of this denomination in Ohio was held at their home. The parents of Mrs. Myers were David and Susan Naftzger, natives of Harrison county, Ohio, and who were among the first settlers of Congress township, in Wayne county. They took up a quarter section of land and spent all their active lives in clearing improving and cultivating it, eventually making it quite valuable. They were, like their ancestors, quite enthusiastic members of the United Brethren church, and always took much interest in the local gatherings of the denomination. The Naftzgers, for generations, were always considered good citizens, good neighbors and reliable in all the relations of life. Solomon Myers lived on a part of his father's farm in Congress township during the entire period of his activity. He was successful as a farmer and a man of sterling integrity and supported the Democratic party, but later became an ardent Prohibitionist, voting the ticket of that party for many years. After the death of his first wife, he married Maggie Guthrie, the full list of his children being as follows: David A., deceased; John F., a resident of Burbank; Emma, deceased; Elmer F.' Susan, deceased; Zeno, of Congress township, and Annabelle, the latter being the only child by the second wife. He was also a very active Christian man, being a member of the United Brethren church all his life. He was class leader for fifty-five years.
Elmer F. Myers, son of Solomon and Elizabeth Myers, was born in Congress township, Wayne county, Ohio, March 15, 1862. He was educated in the district schools near his home, and later attended the Northwestern Ohio Normal University at Ada. he remained on the farm, helping his father, until the completion of his twenty-third year, when he decided to begin life on his own account. Matrimony is usually the prime cause of this step in the case of young men and Mr. Myers was no exception to the rule. On December 18, 1884, he was married to Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Susanna Whonsetler, a well-to-do and highly respected family of Wayne county. In 1840 Mr. Whonsetler came from Washington county, Pennsylvania, and settled on a farm in Canaan township, where he prospered by hard work and good management and at his death owned two hundred and sixteen acres of land. Mrs. Myers was born on this farm, October 10, 1862, and besides herself there were ten other children. To E. F. Myers and wife were born two children: Zora, wife of Merton Talley, of the commercial department of the Denison high school, and Clyde, who is his father's assistant on the farm. In 1885 Mr. Myers began renting the home farm of his father-in-law and after the mother-in-law's death he purchased one hundred forty-one acres in 1900, since which time he has occupied and cultivated it with entire success, giving much attention with gratifying success to livestock. Mr. and Mrs. Myers are very active members of the Lutheran church, and he is a Democrat in politics. He is public-spirited and was a member of the school board a number of years.
From The History of Wayne County, Ohio, B. E. Bowen & Co., Indianapolis, 1910