Ohio Biographies

Daniel W. McIlvaine

No family in Wayne county is better known than the McIlvaines, and certainly none have played their roles better in the drama of civilization in the northern part of the Buckeye state from the early pioneer days down to the present day. We first hear of John McIlvaine, grandfather of Daniel W., of this review, who was born November 7, 1788, in Washington county, Pennsylvania, and who reached a remarkable age, dying April 5, 1880. Little is known of his antecedents except that his father was George McIlvaine, an early Pennsylvania farmer. In 1818 John McIlvaine brought his wife and two small children horseback across the mountains, over rough and indistinct roads, from Washington county, Pennsylvania, fording the Ohio river, each parent carrying a child, then making their way through dense and almost interminable forests, finally reaching Wayne county, Ohio. They settled on a quarter section which now forms a part of Jackson township, and is owned by three of his grandsons, who reside there. After clearing away a small spot, this old pioneer built a log cabin. The spot is now marked by a mammoth elm tree which John McIlvaine set out nearly one hundred years ago. His first wife was Margaret Smith, who bore him nine children His second wife was Annis Martin, and by his second wife one child was born. When John McIlvaine came to Wayne county, the city of Wooster had not been thought of, much less founded, and the place where he settled was a vast wilderness infested by numerous kinds of wild animals, and the Indian was to be found now and then. With the assistance of Selvina and Jason Jones, John McIlvaine laid out the city of Jasckson. The latter, being a stanch Democrat and an ardent admirer of Andrew Jackson, insisted on giving the village and postoffice that name. On account of another postoffice in the state bearing the name Jackson, it was not possible to give the name desired to this village; however, the old pioneer did the next best thing and had the postoffice here named Old Hickory, Andrew Jackson's soubriquet, through which office the residents of this vicinity received mail until the coming of the rural free delivery. Mr. McIlvaine was a very influential man in this county and, being a Presbyterian, he donated land for a church and the cemetery at Jackson. The church which now stands there is one of the most substantial and attractive in the county and the cemetery is exceptionally well kept. Here the remains of John McIlvaine lie buried, although he died at Canal Fulton. All the children of this old settler, with the exception of Jackson, Smith and George, migrated to the West, the three mentioned remaining in Wayne county. Jackson was a farmer, later in life managing a hotel at Alliance, where he died. Smith was also a farmer and his death occurred at Creston. George devoted his entire life to agricultural pursuits on the old homestead. John McIlvaine built his second loghouse on the pike road near where his grandson, Daniel W., of this review, now lives; later the old pioneer built the frame house where Daniel W. now lives.

George McIlvaine, son of John, bought the homestead and he lived there, following farming, until his death, March 16, 1888. He was first married to Lucinda Akin, December 1, 1842, and his second marriage was to Sarah Baker, November 11, 1863. By his first marriage the following children were born: John J., Margaret J., Hannah E., George A., Daniel W., Mary A., James B. and Sarah C. By his second marriage the following children were born: David E. and Arthur F. Lucinda Akin was the daughter of George and Hannah (Davis) Akin, of Scotch-Irish descent. They settled near Doylestown, Wayne county, Ohio, in an early day. Sarah Baker was the daughter of David and Melinda (Cockrell) Baker, of Harper's Ferry, Virginia. In pioneer days they came to Medina county and settled near Seville. A few years later they came to Canaan township, Wayne county.

The following members of the McIlvaine family served in the Civil war: John, son of George, fought in an Ohio regiment; two brothers-in-law of George, Alex Seideman and George Walkenberger, served three years; Marcus, son of Smith McIlvaine, also served in the Union army.

All members of this family as far back as can be traced have been loyal Democrats and members of the Presbyterian church; four generations have now belonged to the church, for the erection of the first building of which John McIlvaine, the first member of the family to come here, gave the land. George McIlvaine, the eldest son of John, was a believer in education, and he sacrificed considerable in order to educate his children, most of them having been educated at the Canaan Academy, five of them becoming school teachers and influential in their professions.

Daniel W. McIlvaine, whose name heads this review, is the fifth child of George and Lucinda (Akin) McIlvaine, his birth occurring on April 6, 1853, in the village of Jackson. He now resides on the place where his father came to live when the former was yet a boy---the old McIlvaine homestead. He farmed on the home place until his marriage when he entered the retail business in Creston, this county, which he followed successfully for seven years. He then dealt in livestock and commercial fertilizers, building up an extensive business in each. Later he became a traveling salesman for Morris & Company of Chicago, handling wholesale meats. However, he resided the major part of the time on a part of the old farm. In 1906 he retired from the road, and since that time he has followed farming. He was married in 1876 to Hattie Houghton, daughter of Franklin Houghton, of Sterling, this county, whose father was a very early settler north of Creston. Franklin Houghton is a lawyer of considerable note, having practiced law many years in Ashland county, Ohio. He also engaged in merchandise in that place.

To Daniel W. McIlvaine and wife the following children have been born: Cloyd A., born February 22, 1877, was educated at the Creston high school and the Ada Normal, also attended the University of Wooster. He taught school several terms, having finished his first term before he was sixteen years of age. He later went to Cleveland and attended business college, after which he went to New York City where he was employed two years as a stenographer. In 1904 he accepted a position as stenographer for the chief engineer of the Panama Canal, and in time became chief clerk for the entire enterprise, and is now assistant to the chairman of the commission in charge of the construction of the canal. He was married in 1902 to Louise Brigman. He is a young man of unusual business ability. La Verne, the first daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. McIlvaine, was born December 12, 1879, educated at Creston, this county, passing through the high school there. She married Edgar Ewing and they are the parents of three children. Sumner, Edgar Clair and Cloyd E. Bruce R., born January 23, 1881, was educated at the Creston high school, married Alice Wells, and they are the parents of two children, Clarence and Lew. Bruce has always been employed in railroad and express work. Mary was born May 1, 1887, educated at the Creston high school, married Jesse Broomall, and they have two children Noris Mack and Dorothy LaVerne.

Franklin Houghton, father of Mrs. McIlvaine, was born in Cortland county, New York, in 1826, the son of Ambrus and Lucy (Powell)Houghton. About 1830 they came to Wayne county, Ohio, and settled just north of Creston, in the edge of Wayne county, purchasing one hundred and sixty acres which was mostly timber; they cleared this land and there made their future home.

Daniel W. McIlvaine, as might be expected, is a Presbyterian and a Democrat, and he takes considerable interest in whatever tends to promote the welfare of his county.


From The History of Wayne County, Ohio, B. E. Bowen & Co., Indianapolis, 1910



