William Young
William Young, Farmer; P. O., Anna, Ohio.
Mr. Young, son of Adam and Sarah Young, was born in Pickaway County, Ohio, August 19, 1819, and came with his parents to Shelby County in the fall of 1832, and located in Franklin Township. In 1838 he connected himself with the M. E. church, in which he has since been an earnest worker, and a few years later he was licensed as a local minister of the church. March 25, 1841, he married Miss Louisa Kingrey, a native of Ohio, born near London, Madison County, March 16, 1822. Mr. and Mrs. Young settled on a farm in Dinsmore Township, and remained two years. In 1843 they moved to Salem Township, and remained six years. In 1849 he purchased and moved on the farm where he now resides in section 36, north of boundary line Franklin Township. Mrs. Young died June 9, 1858. They reared six children, James C., Thomas C., Adam B., Rufina, Cynthia J., and Sarah E. James C., Thomas C., and Sarah E. are now deceased. James C. Young died at Bowling Green, Kentucky, Nov. 27, 1862, while serving in the late war. Mr. Young’s second wife was Mrs. Loretta A. Williams, née Rairden, by whom he has six children, five sons and one daughter.
From History of Shelby County, Ohio; R. Sutton & Co, Philadelphia PA, 1883