John Taylor
John Taylor, an old and esteemed citizen of Dinsmore Township, was born near Milton, Pennsylvania, February 18, 1810. When he had attained the age of nine years, he came in company with his parents to Ohio, and located in Bath Township, Greene County. He ls a son of David and Ann Taylor, who came to Shelby County in 1834, entered, made improvements and settled on one hundred and sixty acres of land in section 20, Dinsmore Township, where David Taylor died in 1835. John Taylor, subject of this sketch, came to Shelby County in January, 1835, entered one hundred and twenty acres of land in section 25, Dinsmore Township, on which he has since resided. He has made other purchases, and now owns a farm of one hundred and seventy acres of good land, which is under a good state of cultivation, and well improved. December 10, 1835, he married Miss Margaret Staley, daughter of Jacob and Margaret Staley. Miss Staley was born in Montgomery County, Ohio, May 3, 1810. She came to this county with her parents in 1831, and settled in Salem Township. They reared a family of seven children, viz., Elizabeth, Mary A., Margaret, David, Jacob, George, and Amanda. Mr. Taylor filled the oflice of trustee of Dinsmore Township one year.
From History of Shelby County, Ohio; R. Sutton & Co, Philadelphia PA, 1883