Charles Slagel
The grandfather of Charles Slagel was a German by birth, emigrated to America previous to the Revolutionary war, and settled in North Carolina. It was here that the father of Charles Slagel was born in the year 1770. When a young man he went to Virginia, lived there a short time, then removed to Kentucky, where he lived until the year 1806, when he came to Champaign County, Ohio, with his family, which consisted of wife and six children. Charles Slagel, the subject of this sketch, was born in Champaign County a few months after they landed in the county (in October, 1806). About two years afterwards thev moved to Montgomery County, where Charles grew to manhood ona farm. When a young man he followed teaming to Cincinnati. In 1832 he married Susannah Snyder. By this marriage there has been eleven children, seven of them are now living, viz., Barbary A., born October 3, 1833; David D., born March 26, 1835; John W., born October 7, 1839; Jacob S., born December 6, 1841; Elizabeth B., born May 17, 1848; Henry A., born May 25, 1850; and Jennie, born February 9, 1855. In 1850 he moved with his family to Shelby County, and settled on his present home in Perry Township. Mr. Slagel has always had the respect and esteem of his neighbors. Has been elected to the offices of justice of the peace and trustee of his township. He has been a member of the M. E. Church for about sixty years. His house was the home of the itinerant preacher for many years. Esq. Slagel has now retired from the active duties of the farm, and is striving to enjoy the fruit of his early labor.
From History of Shelby County, Ohio; R. Sutton & Co, Philadelphia PA, 1883