Joseph Marshall
Joseph Marshall, deceased, was born in France in 1836. He was a son of Francis Marshall. Just when he came to the United States we cannot learn, but he settled in this township [Cynthian] in 1853. In 1864 Joseph married Philomena Spraley, who was born in Germany in 1844. John Spraley, her father, came from Germany to the United States in 1817,and made their settlement in this township the same year. Mr.and Mrs. Marshall, after their marriage, engaged in the hotel and saloon business in Newport, which he followed during the remainder of his life. He died in 1881. During the rebellion he served as a soldier in Company C., 118th O. V. I. He was wounded at the battle of Mossy Creek, Tenn., and was discharged from the service on account of his wounds in 1864. His wounds never healed, and he died from their effects. The year 1881 was a sorrowful year to Mrs. Marshall; she buried her husband, father, and mother all the same year. She was left alone with three small children. Since the death of her husband she has carried on the business of the hotel and saloon, as did her husband in his lifetime.
From History of Shelby County, Ohio; R. Sutton & Co, Philadelphia PA, 1883