Rev. John M. Layman
The Laymans are of German extraction. The first we learn of them was in Hamilton County, Ohio, in 1795, where George Layman, the father of the subject of this sketch, was born, October, 1795. He was the eldest of the family. He received a liberal education, and followed teaching for many years. In 1825 he came to Shelby County, and entered eighty acres of land in Orange Township; and the same year married Mary McKnight, who had come to Shelby County in 1823. Mr. Layman raised a family of four children,—John M. was the eldest. He was born in Orange Township in 1826. He was raised on the farm. After arriving at manhood he entered Miami University at Oxford, where he graduated in 1851. He then entered the Cincinnati Theological Seminary, where he remained two years, when the school was removed to Danville, Kentucky. He then went to Princeton 'l‘heological Seminary; completing his studies in 1854. He then entered the regular ministry in northwestern Ohio, where he remained until 1867, when he returned to Shelby County, the place of his nativity, to care for his parents in their old days. His mother died in 1868; his father in 1870. In 1872 Mr. Layman married Mrs. Mary Long, the widow of Rev. Adam Long, a Lutheran minister, who died in India while a missionary in that country. His wife was with him at the time, and was left a widow in that distant country with two children, viz., John D. and Carrie E. Mr. and Mrs. Layman have two children—George M. and Archibald E. The Rev. Mr. Layman at the present time is devoting the most of his time to his farm, but still finds time for his studies and clerical duties.
From History of Shelby County, Ohio; R. Sutton & Co, Philadelphia PA, 1883