Dr. G. W. Fulkerson
The ancestors of the Fulkersons are from Holland and England. but who they were, or when they came, we cannot learn. The first we know of them was in the person of Joseph Farling Fulkerson, the father of the above. He was born in New Jersey in the year 1796. When a. young man he went to Pennsylvania. It was here, in the year 1822, that he married Margaret A. Messinger. They resided in Easton, Pa. About the year 1826 they removed to the city of New York, where Dr. Fulkerson was born in 1828. In 1839 they emigrated to Monroe County, Ohio. From there they removed to Crawford County, Ohio, where he died in 1875. His wife died at the same place in 1874. They reared a family of nine children. Dr. G. W. was the fourth of the children. He lived with his parents until he had arrived at his majority, at which time be commenced the study of medicine under Dr. Joel Johnston, of Bucyrus. He remained there but a short time, when he and his preceptor went to Bellefontaine, and engaged in the drug trade until 1855, when they dissolved partnership, and Dr. Fulkerson went to Pleasant Hill, Ohio, and associated himself with Dr. Cable in the practice of medicine. In 1857 he married Elizabeth Nishwitz, of West Milton, Miami County, and the same year came to Newport, Shelby County, Ohio. He took his medical course, and graduated at the Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincinnati in 1859. He has been for a number of years a member of the Eclectic Medical Society of Ohio. His wife died in 1858. In 1876 he married Miss Maggie Mills, a daughter of D. C. Mills, one of the pioneers of Cynthian Township. Mrs. Fulkerson was born near Newport in 1852. By this union they have two children, John Medaris, born 1878, and Walter Roy, born 1880. The doctor is engaged in the drug trade in connection with the practice of medicine, at which he has been engaged for the past twenty-five years. He has been one of the leading spirits in starting and building up the M. E. Church of his town. Although not a member of the church at the time of its erection, he was made one of the trustees and building committee. He has given much of his time and means to the public interests of his town and township.
From History of Shelby County, Ohio; R. Sutton & Co, Philadelphia PA, 1883