Daniel Curtner
Daniel Curtner, Dealer in General Merchandise, Anna, O.
Mr. Curtner was born in Franklin Townsliip, Shelby County, Ohio, Aug. 7, 1837. He is a son of Peter and Sophia Curtner, who came from Montgomery County, Ohio, to Shelby County in 1833 or ’34 and settled in Franklin Township, where Mr. Peter Curtner died in 1844. His companion married a man by the name of Young, and is now living in Dinsmore Township, Shelby County, at the advanced age of seventy-six years. Mr. D. Curtner. the subject of this sketch, is the fifth of a family of six children, viz., Eliza, Silas, Delila, Henry, Daniel, and Sarah J. Eliza Curtner is now dead. Daniel Curtner is what we can truly call a self-educated man, the greater part of his education being acquired by close application to his books at home on the farm. In the fall of 1860 he began teaching school, which he followed as a profession five years, or until 1865, when he. in company with H. Cargill, engaged in the mercantile business in Port Jefferson, which they conducted successfully until March, 1876, when, by mutual consent, they dissolved partnership, and Mr. C. came to Anna, where he engaged in general merchandising, dealing in dry goods, ready made clothing, boots, shoes, hats, caps, and groceries. In 1866 he married Miss Cynthia E., daughter of James Shaw, by whom he has had three children, two of whom are now living, one son and one daughter.
From History of Shelby County, Ohio; R. Sutton & Co, Philadelphia PA, 1883