Bull Family
Robert Bull was a resident of South Carolina prior to the Revolutionary War. He was a Quaker, and on account of his religious belief, being opposed to war, and desiring to avoid any collision with the government in raising an army, left his native State and removed to Virginia just prior to 1776; but instead of escaping the strife, he went to where it was hotter. He had, prior to his removal to Virginia, married Sarah Millburn, the widow of Robert Millburn. By this marriage Mrs. Bull had three sons—Robert, John, and David-they being half brothers of Nathan Bull. By her marriage with Robert Bull there were five children, of which Nathan was the youngest. He was born in Virginia in 1776, in Barclay County, where, in the same county in 1797, he married Frances Lilburn, and in the year 1814 moved to Greene County, Ohio, with his wife and six children. Two children were afterward born to them in Greene County. As early as 1816 Mr. Bull came to the present limits of Orange Township and entered one-half section of land. He died June 12, 1822; his wife died January 18, 1842. The names of the children were: Amelia, Rachel, John, David, Robert, William, Sarah, and Hiram.
History of Shelby County, Ohio; R. Sutton & Co, Philadelphia PA, 1883