Lewis Applegate
Lewis Applegate, Dealer in all kinds of Lumber, Anna, O.
Mr. Applegate was born in Monmouth County, N. J., Feb. 5, 1832. He was brought to Ohio by his parents, Joseph and Elizabeth Applegate, in 1837. They settled in Shelby County, on a. farm one mile west of where Plattsville is located, in Greene Township, where young Applegate grew to manhood. He received a common school education. In June, 1858, he married Miss Ann, daughter of David and Amy Dickensheets. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Applegate settled on his father’s home farm in Greene Township. In the spring of 1873 he sold the home farm, purchased and moved on a. farm in Franklin Township, near Swander’s Crossing, remaining three years. In 1876 he sold his farm in Franklin Township and moved to Anna, where he engaged in the undertaking business, which he conducted with success four years. In 1880 he retired from the business and purchased a farm in Franklin Township near Anna, which he owned until in the spring of 1881, when he sold his farm and engaged in dealing in all kinds of building material—lumber, both hard and soft wood, doors, sash, blinds, etc.—of which they keep a good assortment and a large stock constantly on hand. He and his partner make contracting and building a specialty. He served as justice of the peace of Franklin Township four years. In Oct. 1880, he was elected justice of the peace of Dinsmore Township, which position he is now filling. He served as coroner of Shelby County two terms, or six years. He served as mayor of Anna one year, when he resigned the oflice. He has five children, three sons and two daughters.
From History of Shelby County, Ohio; R. Sutton & Co, Philadelphia PA, 1883