Robert C. Smith
With them entered the lists Robert C. Smith, whom we laid away also only a few years ago. Smith was born in Pennsylvania, was educated at an academy where Caleb J. McNulty and Clement L. Vallandigham were early schooled. His father removed to Ashland when that village was still a part of old Richland. He came hither and also became a student of Judge Stewart and General Newman. He was very vigorous, and gave promise of great growth. His voice was powerful and I have heard Judge Stewart foretell for him a brilliant future. And I remember well, once when Mr. Delano was associated with him in the defense of one accused of crime, and accused wrongfully, a case in which both Delano and Smith made arguments to court and jury, that at the close of the trial Mr. Delano greatly complimented Smith on his conduct of the case and his brilliant rhetoric and forceful argument. That Smith had gifts, was not questioned; but he lacked method, both of study of life, and he despised the weakness of some who gain fame and fortune by fawning. Disuse of the gifts given him also caused him to lose confidence in himself. Robert C. Smith was a true friend, and was the soul of honor, yet his life was in a measure sad and less of a success than it might have been. He also at the outset of his career, was a member of the Democratic party, and left it when Kirkwood and Dr. Henderson did. When the war for the Union was waged, he became a soldier and served as a lieutenant in the 1st. Ohio Independent Battery. For a number of years he was connected with the Internal Revenue service, and was a faithful public officer.
From The Richland Shield & Banner, December 1, 1894