Morris Kline
Morris Kline and wife, of Johnsville, are natives of Germany. Mr. Kline came to America in 1851 and Mrs. Kline in 1853. He came to Lexington, Richland County, in 1854, where he met Sophia Smith (now Mrs. Kline). The winter before going to Lexington he went to school at the Knox school house between Bellville and Lexington, where he learned to read and write English, when 28 years old reading in the first reader. Having been married in the fall of 1855 he and his wife moved to Johnsville in the spring of 1856 and all they had was a few household goods and a set of blacksmith's tools. With long days and arduous toil upon the part of both they have accumulated some little property, a farm of 87 acres, and a comfortable home in Johnsville, besides having raised a family of ten children, four boys and six girls and have given each some help. The children are all married except the two youngest, Clint and Hattie, who are at home. Frank lives in Edison, John on a farm west of Johnsville, George, Mrs. Newhouse, Mrs. Sheriff, Mrs. Dewitt and Mrs. Cass are living in Mansfield, and Mrs. Biddle in Johnsville. It having been some time since all had been together it was agreed that on Wednesday, the 31st. of August, that they would all gather once more at the old home in family reunion, there being 25 grandchildren, 45 in all. It being a pleasant day all were permitted to enjoy the shade of the beech and sugar trees, the good things upon the bountifully spread table and the singing and speech-making. Mother Kline was presented with an elegant set of dishes. An annual reunion organization was affected with Frank Kline for president, Hattie Kline, secretary, and George Kline, treasurer. -- One Who Was Present.
From Mansfield Semi-Weekly News: September 6, 1898, Vol. 14, No. 74