Rev. George M. Kemp
THE REV. GEORGE M. KEMP -- A Student, Soldier, Minister and Practical Business Man. The Rev. George M. Kemp is one of Mansfield's ablest and most zealous ministers of the gospel. He was born Dec. 30, 1838, in Belmont county. His father, Dr. J. A. Kemp, resided on a small farm near Barnesville and in addition to rural pursuits he was a medical practitioner. Mr. Kemp is a graduate of Bethany, class of '71, which is the principal theological seminary of the Disciple church. He married in June, 1861. The war of the rebellion had waged three years when Mr. Kemp enlisted in Co. E., 36th O. V. I., which was assigned to detach service. At the expiration of 10 months he was detailed on a recruiting commission to return to Ohio to raise troops. He organized Co. I., of the 179th regiment, at Belmont, was commissioned captain, Sept. 28, 1864, and remained in command of the company until it was mustered out June 18, 1865. There are few Mansfielders who know that the chaplain of McLaughlin Post, 131, G. A. R. for the past six years is entitled to the military distinction of a captain. The principal engagement in which Captain Kemp and his men participated was between Hood and Thomas, Dec. 15-16, at Nashville, Tenn., where the regiment was stationed. It was after returning from the war that Captain Kemp began his theological studies at Bethany. Upon his graduation he was made pastor of the Disciple church at Lima, where he remained from July, 1871, to November, 1879. He then became pastor of the Mansfield church for one year; was pastor of the church at Iowa, Mich., two years and then returned to Mansfield having been appointed assistant evangelist for Ohio, in which capacity he served three years after which he officiated as years. he now engages in general church work and divides a portion of his time between the churches at Fostoria and Gibsonburg. Mr. Kemp's first wife, who died in July, 1879, was the mother of his three children. His present consort was formerly Louisa Bingner, of this city, whom he married in December, 1880. Mr. Kemp has mercantile interests in this city, being the senior member of the enterprising firm of Kemp, Burson & Co. furniture and carpet dealers, East Fourth street, in the Elk block.
From The Mansfield Weekly News, July 16, 1891