Enoch Hegg France
Mr. France began life with a limited common-school education, as a son of a poor weaver, from whom he learned the trade, and when he began what has been a very successful business career he had an extremely limited capital. His career, however, has been an active and useful one. He has ever been industrious, energetic and determined, has improved his opportunities and has utilized his ability to the best advantage. Far-sighted in matters of business, and with ambition and wisdom, he has directed his affairs to successful completion, and has established for himself an excellent reputation as a reliable and energetic business man. At the same time he has secured a handsome competence as the result of his integrity and honorable dealing, and he has long held the respect and esteem of his contemporaries in the business world.
On the 9th of October, 1851, Mr. France was joined in wedlock to Miss Rachel Ross, a daughter of Natcher and Sophia (Arnold) Ross. She was born near Lucas, Richland county, May 10, 1829. Her parents were natives of Harrision county, Ohio and were of Scotch-Irish extraction. At an early period in the history of this portion of the state they came to Richland county and spent their remaining days within its borders, being numbered among its respected and worthy pioneers. Mr. and Mrs. France have five children, namely: Mary, now deceased; Ira Fremont, a contractor, residing in Bloomville, Ohio; Myra Myrtle, the wife of R. A. Hale, of Mansfield; Natcher Ross, a contractor and a resident of Bloomville; and Willie Grant, a contractor who is living in Middle Point, Ohio.
In his political affiliations Mr. France is a Republican, but has never sought official preferment. To his business affairs he has given his time, efforts and strict attention. He and his wife are members of the Presbyterian church and are numbered among the oldest and most highly esteemed citizens of the county seat, where they have long resided and are well and favorably known.
From Centennial Biographical History of Richland Co., Ohio, A. J. Baughman, editor; 1901; pgs 227-229