Charles W. Fritz
Charles W. Fritz, candidate for county auditor, was born in this city April 7, 1859. His father, John P. Fritz, at that time lived at the corner of Third and Adams Street. He attended the public schools until he was 13 years old, when he began to learn his trade, cigar making, with Charles Horn, by whom he was constantly employed for 14 years, until Mr. Horn sold his business to Massa Bros. in 1886, since which time Mr. Fritz has been with this firm. His continuous employment in one place for more than 20 years is proof of his industry and skill, for he has been engaged in making a high grade of first class goods and a brand that is popular with lovers of the weed. Although he was obliged to leave school early in life he did not give up his pursuit of knowledge. He has devoted much of his unemployed time in reading that class of literature which educates and elevates, until it can be truthfully said of him he has a self-acquired education which is as broad and comprehensive as though he were a college graduate. In 1888 Mr. Fritz was elected treasurer of Madison Township and was re-elected in 1889. He is a member of Mansfield Lodge, F. and A.M., of which he was Worshipful Master during 1888 and 1889, was Masonic Lecturer of Ashland and Richland counties the two succeeding years, he designed the cornerstone of the Masonic Temple in this city and has been a member of the Temple board of trustees since the board was created. Mr. Fritz is also a member of Madison Lodge K. of P. of which he is a Past Chancellor. Mrs. Fritz was formerly Miss Ella McFarland, a daughter of William McFarland, who formerly resided in Washington Township. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz are the fond parents of two children and they dwell happily at 40 Glessner Avenue.
From RICHLAND SHIELD & BANNER: September 28, 1895, Vol. LXXVIII, No. 20