Judge Jabez Dickey
Judge Jabez Dickey Celebrates Seventy-Second Birthday Anniversary -- Today is the seventy-second birthday anniversary of Judge Jabez Dickey, who was born on a farm a mile south of Mansfield June 15, 1838. He remained on the farm until about twelve years of age when he came to this city and entered the public schools. After graduating from the local high school he attended the Monroe seminary for a couple of years and then went to the Hayesville college. On Jan. 1, 1859, he took up the study of law in the office of the late Barney Burns and Moses Dickey, his brother. After being admitted to the bar, early in April, 1861, Judge Dickey started in the practice of his profession in this city and in 1862 was elected to the office of prosecutor of Richland county. In 1865 he resigned from the office of prosecutor and with his brother went into the northwest to purchase furs from the Indians for a company that had been organized in this city. He remained among the Indians for about seven months, which time was rich in experiences but not sufficiently lucrative to warrant continuance. Returning to civilization he resumed the practice of law in Warsaw, Ind., but the following year returned to Mansfield and formed a law partnership with his brother. After this association had continued for a few months Judge Dickey went to Mt. Gilead, where he formed a partnership with the late James Olds, which partnership continued for a number of years with mutual satisfaction. It was in 1882 that Mr. Dickey was elected to the common pleas bench in this sub-division, made up of Richland, Ashland and Morrow counties and he continued on the bench until1889, having moved back to Mansfield in 1885. He remained here until 1893 when he again went to Mt. Gilead, where he stayed until 1900 in which year he went to Toledo, but after spending five years in that city he once more came to Mansfield and has resided here engaged in the law practice, since that time. He was elected to the office of justice of the peace of Madison township in 1907, which office he now holds.
From The Mansfield News: June 15, 1910