James F. Boals
James F. Boals, the candidate for Sheriff, is known the county over. He was born in Weller Township July 30, 1854, on the same farm and in the same house in which his father, John Boals, was born. After receiving the usual common school education he attended the Savannah Academy for two years. He then married and settled in Weller Township, where he resided until 1878, them moved to the Keller farm in Franklin Township, where he remained until 1885 following the vocation of a thresher and sawyer. He has threshed all over the northern part of this county and his experience in that business made him an available man for the Aultman-Taylor Co., by which he was engaged in April, 1885, as an expert machinist. He moved to Mansfield and the day he contracted with the A.-T. company he started on his first trip to Smyrna, Turkey, where he remained several months. Since then he has visited Mexico, South America, Egypt, Turkey, Roumania, Syria, Greece and 30 state of the Union in the interests of the A.-T. Company in whose employ he has been continuously during the past 10 years.
Mr. Boals is a member of the Mansfield Lodge, I.O.O.F., Mohican Encampment and Canton Mansfield. His honesty and integrity are above question and as Sheriff of Richland County, he will be the right man in the right place.
RICHLAND SHIELD & BANNER: 28 September 1895, Vol. LXXVIII, No. 20