Smith E. Wadsworth
Smith E. Wadsworth, hotel proprietor, Garrettsville, was born in Windham Township, Portage Co., Ohio, October 15, 1848; son of Elmer and Emiline (Smith) Wadsworth. He was raised on a farm and educated at the common schools. His first enterprise for himself was clerking for a year in a meat market at Ravenna, this county. He then came to Garrettsville, and along with his father and brother engaged in the meat market business, dealing in connection with the same quite extensively in hides, pelts and tallow, buying and shipping for about seven years, which required our subject to be on the road more or less. He was married January 5, 1876, to Miss Hannah Styles, born in Paris Township, this county, July 26, 1847, daughter of James and Eleanor Styles, early settlers of that township, and by this union there is one child—Arthur James. In March, 1880, Mr. Wadsworth purchased the Cannon House, which he combined with the Wadsworth House, adopting the name "Cannon House," of which he has since been "mine host." He is an active member of Portage Lodge, I. O. O. F., and is a F. & A. M.
From History of Portage County, Ohio, Warner, Beers & Co., Chicago, 1885