Dr. James Webb
Dr. James Webb (deceased) was born February 26, 1799, and died in Freedom, Portage Co., Ohio, November 9, 1852, in his fifty-fourth year. His early life was spent in Corfu, Genesee Co., N. Y. At the age of twelve and until he was fifteen he was a great sufferer from a white swelling. Perhaps no course of events at any time transpired that had more to do with shaping the current of his life than this long illness. Being incapacitated for manual labor, his mind naturally was attracted to books and the realm of thought, the outcome of which was the study of medicine. At this early period, too, he commenced that life of prayer and trust and patience, which ever after adorned a most exemplary Christian character, whose light was always pure and steady, and to be trusted. In early manhood he commenced the study of his chosen profession, graduating at Batavia, N. Y., Medical College, in 1823. He began the practice of medicine at Holley, Orleans Co., N. Y., and it was here he formed the acquaintance of Miss Eliza Landfear, with whom he was united in marriage, November 27, 1827. Four sons and six daughters were born to this union, of whom five were natives of Holley. Here Dr. Webb spent thirteen or more of the best years of his life in building up a successful and honorable practice. Here too he united with the Masonic fraternity, of which he was an honored member, and at the time of his death was a member of Garrettsville Lodge, No. 246, F. & A. M. In 1840 he exchanged his village property for a home and thirty acres of land in Freedom, Portage Co., Ohio, to which he removed with his family in May of that year. One special object in the removal was that he might secure land where his boys might find employment and still be under home restraints. Here, as in Holley, he built up a good practice, the needs of the community commanding his services as a physician and surgeon. Here he labored faithfully until he was attacked by that terrible disease (cancer on the face) which after many months of intense sufiering terminated his days, while he heard the call of the Great Physician to "come up higher." In his life Dr. Webb was ever known as a Christian physician, and was beloved and honored as such. He was a member of the Congregational Church at Freedom. His beloved wife, two sons, Warren and Mervin, and daughter, Sarah, have already followed him "over the river." Rollin S. Webb, Charles B. Webb, Mrs. Dr. Tidball, Mrs. W. S. Wight, Mrs. Warren Peirce, and Miss Mary Webb, are all residents of this county and the village of Garretsville. Mrs. Cornelia Reilley, the eldest, is a resident of Bay City, Mich. As a father Dr. Webb was one of the wisest and best, and to his children the memory of such a father is of priceless worth.
From History of Portage County, Ohio, Warner, Beers & Co., Chicago, 1885