Andrew J. Squire
Andrew J. Squire, physician, P. O. Hiram, was born in Aurora Township, this couaty, September 17, 1815; son of Ezekiel and Clarissa (Stewart) Squire, natives of Berkshire County, Mass., of English descent, who immigrated to Ohio in 1810 and settled in Aurora Township, this county, same year In 1815 they moved to Mantua Township, where Ezekiel Squire followed the practice of medicine and died September 5, 1822. He was the father of four sons and three daughters. Our subject was educated in the Medical University at Willonghby, Ohio, (from 1810 to 1841) and began the practice of medicine in Mantua Township, this county, in 1843. There he continued until 1864 when he moved to Hiram Center, where he still continues in the practice of his profession. The Doctor was elected to the State Legislature and served from 1859 to 1861; has also filled most of the township offices—Justice of the Peace, etc. He was married in 1850 to Martha Wilmot, of Mantua Township, daughter of Ella and Lucretia (Blair) Wilmot, early settlers of this county, and to this union have been born two sons: Andrew, practicing law, and Marion, attending the Medical College.
From History of Portage County, Ohio, Warner, Beers & Co., Chicago, 1885