Thomas Reed
Thomas Reed, policeman, Garrettsville, was born in Ireland, August 13, 1823, son of William and Margaret (Nelson) Reed. natives of that country, who were the parents of seven children, of whom Thomas is the youngest. He came to America in 1842, and located in Philadelphia, where he remained two years engaged in wharf building. He then came to Geauga County, Ohio, and hired to a man for five years as a farm hand. He purchased a small farm near Cleveland in 1854, but sold it six years later and bought a still larger farm in Trumbull County, where he remained until 1873, when he came to Garrettsville with the intention of retiring from active labor, but for a year or two dealt in stock. In 1855 he married Miss Caroline A. Pierce, of Geauga County, Ohio, and by her has three children: Marc A., a graduate of Scio College, who has taught school nine years, and is at present Superintendent of Schools in Girard, Ohio; Delia, also a school teacher for six years, and who is a graduate of the Garrettsville schools, and Guy W. Mr. Reed received an appointment by the Council as Night Policeman, and has held that position nine years, and has also served as Constable five years. In April, 1880, while trying to quiet a drunken row he received a blow on the head, fracturing his skull, from which six pieces of bone were taken. It was a narrow escape, but he still continues to keep the peace in the streets of Garrettsville to the full satisfaction of the people. He is a member of Garrettsville Lodge, No. 246, F. & A M.
From History of Portage County, Ohio, Warner, Beers & Co., Chicago, 1885