Alvan V. Rudd
Alvan V. Rudd, farmer, P. O. Windham, is a son of Nathaniel Rudd, who was born in Becket, Mass., May 17, 1795, and came to Windham Township, this county, in 1816, purchasing land on which he made some improvement. The following year he returned to his native State and married, January 15, 1817, Sophia Messenger, born May 22, 1797. In 1818 they returned in company with Xenophon Wadsworth and wife to this township, making the trip of about 500 miles with a team of horses and oxen in six weeks entered upon pioneer life, and in a few weeks had erected the log-cabin which was to be their home for so many years, and where were born to them five children: William B., Alonzo M., Samuel V., Alvan V. and an infant all of whom are now deceased but our subject. Nathaniel Rudd was an influential man in his day, always first in any enterprise tending to the improvment of the county and a liberal supporter of its public institutions. He was Captain ot the State militia and also served a short time the war of 1812. He was a Whig in politics. He filled several offices of trust in Windham Townshp, was an active member of the Congregational Church and a leader m Sabbath-school work for several years previous to his death, which occurred Decembei 19, 1844. His widow still survives him. The subject of this sketch was bom August 15, 1830, in Windham and still resides on the farm which has always been his home. His father dying when he was but fourteen years of age his educational advantages were limited, but by reading and observation he has acquired an average education. Having a taste for live-stock, he early became the possessor of some Shorthorn cattle and has gradually increased his herd till it is now one of the finest in the county, and he is considered one ot the oldest cattle-breeders in the same, having made his start in 1852. He has served in several of the minor township offices. During the war of the Rebellion he enlisted in Company I, One Hundred and Seventy-first Ohio National Guards, and served 100 days. Since he was fourteen years of age he has been identified with the Congregational Church. February 16, 1854, he was united in marriage with Miss Irene Franklin, born in Lewis County, N. Y., July 2, 1833, daughter of Alonzo and Dianthia (Torrence) Franklin, natives of Massachusetts and New York respectively, and early settlers of Cuyahoga County, Ohio, the former of whom is now deceased. To Mr. and Mrs. Rudd have been born four children: Willis A., Orton N., Emma S. and Ann D.
From History of Portage County, Ohio, Warner, Beers & Co., Chicago, 1885