Edgar W. Maxson
Edgar W. Maxson, lawyer, Garrettsville, was born at Troy, Geauga Co., Ohio, February 3, 1844; son of William and Salina C. (Mumford) Maxson; the former a farmer by occupation, born in Connecticut, in 1813, and who came with his parents to this county in 1822; the latter a native of Otsego County, N. Y., where she was born in 1820. They had two children: Edgar W., and Victor R., a farmer now living on the old home farm in Hiram Township. William Maxson died September 20, 1876. The Maxson family are of English descent. Daniel Maxson was one of three brothers: Edward, John and Daniel, who came to America about the middle of the seventeenth century and settled in Rhode Island, where Joshua Maxson, the grandfather of our subject, was born. His grandmother was a Morris, and was a descendant of a Welsh family of that name who date back to the early pioneers of New York State. Our subject was raised on a farm in Hiram Township, where his parents removed while he was an infant. His time between the ages of ten and seventeen years was spent in Hiram College and in school teaching. In 1863 he went to Michigan University at Ann Arbor and graduated from the Law and Literary Department in 1865, and was admitted, to the bar in that State the same year. He then returned to Ohio and was shortly after admitted to the bar, but for three years following was engaged in teaching graded schools in Michigan and Illinois. He was married November 27, 1867, to Miss Elizabeth C. Mull, a school teacher by profession, and a native of Otsego County, N. Y., who died September 10, 1875, leaving to his care one daughter-Maud. Mr. Maxson then married, December 14, 1876, Miss Eudora Lockwood, also of Otsego County. N. Y., and a near relative of his first wife. In the spring of 1868 he returned to Garrettsville and entered in the practice of his profession, in which he has since been engaged. He has been Solicitor of Garrettsville for seven years and has refused several offices of honor, which at different times he has been urged by his friends to accept. He is Past Grand of Portage Lodge, No. 456, I. O. O. F., and an active member of Garrettsville Lodge, No. 246, F. & A. M. He has been connected with the Congregational Church about four years.
From History of Portage County, Ohio, Warner, Beers & Co., Chicago, 1885