David Jennings
David Jennings (deceased) was born January 1, 1771, in Bradford, Mass. He married Miss Hannah Wellman, who was born in Lyndeboro,Hillsboro, Co., N. H., September 13, 1769, and they came to this county in 1802, purchasing in October, of Benjamin Tappan, 115 acres of wild land. This part of the country was then entirely in the wilderness. They had to go to Georgetown, Penn., to market, paying $7 to bring home a barrel of flour that cost $3. Their children were Solomon, who died in Franklin Township, this county. April 6, 1840, aged forty-three; David, Jr., who died in Ravenna Township, this county, January 25, 1862, aged sixty-three; Daniel W., who died in Shalersville, September 17, 1874, aged seventy-four, (the day of his death was just seventy two years from the time he reached this county); Mrs. Hannah H. Cutler, died June 10, 1835, aged thirty-one; Squire L., now living in Ravenna; and Lewis E. Mrs. Jennings died April 3, 1840, aged seventy. Mr. Jennings died January 10, 1856, aged eighty-five. He was an honest, upright man, respected by all who knew him. Daniel W. Jerinings held many public positions, including that of Sheriff of Portage County, Superintendent of County Infirmary and Justice of the Peace. Henry C (son of Solomon Jennings), a Lieutenant in the Forty-second Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, served as Sheriff of the county two terms, during which he executed the murderer Jack Cooper.
From History of Portage County, Ohio, Warner, Beers & Co., Chicago, 1885