Elisha Hurd
Elisha Hurd, (deceased) was born March 10, 1822, in Aurora Township, Portage Co., Ohio, son of Hopson and Betsey (Lacy) Hurd, who had a family of seven children: Maria, wife of P. H. Babcock, of Cleveland, Ohio; Elisha; Hopson; Eliza, wife of S. C. Greene; Frank; Cornelia, wife of J. E. Williams, and a daughter deceased. About 1815 Hopson Hurd, accompanied by Roman Humphrey, came over the mountains with a stock of goods and embarked in business in Aurora. Mr. Humphrey in a short time withdrew from the firm, and the business was then carried on for many years by Mr. Hurd alone. He accumulated a large fortune and died in Aurora in 1869. The subject of this sketch was reared and educated in Aurora Township, and here married, October 13, 1852, Louisa Williams, born in Newark Valley, N. Y., May 13, 1830, daughter of Stephen Williams, of Tioga County, N. Y. Four children were born to this union: Eliza, wife of Frank Aldrich, in Cleveland, Ohio; C. Williams; Fred S.; and McClellan. also in Cleveland. Mr. Hurd remained at home assisting his father on the farm until he was twenty-nine years of age, when he engaged in cattle dealing on his own account, and about 1857, in company with his brother Frank, embarked in mercantile trade, and at the same time attended to his dairy, live stock and farming interests, This firm continued until the death of Elisha, when Frank carried on the business until 1879, and then sold out to Fred and William S., sons of Elisha Hurd. Mr. Hurd was a Republican in politics. By industry, tact and perseverance he accumulated considerable propeiiiy, and owned over 700 acres of land at the time of his death, June 17, 1868.
From History of Portage County, Ohio, Warner, Beers & Co., Chicago, 1885