Peter Hall
Peter Hall, a wealthy and representative citizen of Madison Township, Pickaway County, is a native of this county, as he was born in Walnut Township, January 24, 1832. His respected parents were David and Elizabeth Hall, both of whom were natives of the Keystone State.
David Hall when a young man emigrated with his father, John H. Hall, from his father's home to Pickaway County, Ohio, settling in Madison Township, becoming early pioneers of the county. They made their home in the dense woods and encountered the ordinaiy difficulties of frontier life. David Hall became the father of seven children, of whom the following survive: John H., who makes his home in Kansas; Peter; Salina, now the wife of Henry Runkle; and Lydia, who married Levi Runkle. The father lived to reach the good old age of seventy-five years.
Peter Hall was reared to man's estate in Pickaway County and has seen and marked the development of this section of country, and has done his full share in changing it from a wilderness to a rich and cultivated community. His early recollections go back to a time when little was to be seen except dense forests and rough attempts at civilization. His first schooling was received in a log cabin, furnished with slab seats, and where the writing-desks were merely boards resting upon wooden pegs which projected from the wall. His opportunities were so scant that he has found it necessary to supplement them largely by subsequent reading, but the drill which he received was so thorough as to stimulate his ambition and he has ever sought for self-improvement.
The marriage of our subject in November, 1857, brought to his home a wife in the person of Lavina 8olt, by whom he has twelve children, eight of whom are living: Mary A., wife of Jackson Stein; Barbara J., now Mrs. Snider; David, William, Emma, Ella, John, and Ora B. The fine property which is owned and carried on by our subject is a large tract of land and all of it is in fine condition. He and his wife have together wrought out their own fortune, for this property is largely the result of their industry and economy.
Mr. Hall is a Democrat in his political views, although he is in no sense prominent in party matters. Religiously, he is attaclied to the doctrines and policy of the Lutheran Church, of which he is a member. His interest in educational matters and general intelligence fit him abundantly for the position of School Director in which he has served. His efforts are always given cheerfully toward promoting the best welfare of the county and towards the elevation of the community.