Ohio Biographies

Clifton R. Dresbach

Clifton R. Dresbach is a talented and enterprising young man, who is ably conducting extensive farming and stock interests in Pickaway, his native county. He is descended from an honored pioneer of this part of Ohio, and he still occupies the old homestead, which is a large and valuable farm on section 10, Pickaway Township, on which he was born, August 14, 1855. His father, John E. Dresbach, was born in Berks County, Pa., in 1830, and was a son of the Rev. John Dresbach, of whom further mention is made elsewhere in this volume.

John E. Dresbach was a year old when his parents removed to Ohio and settled in the township of Pickaway, on the farm on which his son of whom we write now resides, and here his remaining years were spent, his death occurring in November, 1864, while yet in life's prime. Pioneer influences helped to mould his character, and he became a valued citizen of the township of his adoption. He was educated in a district school that was kept on one corner of his father's farm. He was trained to the life of a farmer, and carried on that occupation on the old homestead as long as he lived. Both he and his vvife were members of the Evangelical Church, and were liberal supporters of that and of whatsoever else would in any way promote the highest interests of the community. They were married in 1852, and she survived him nearly five years, dying in May, 1869. Her maiden name was Mary Reedy, and she was a native of Greene Township, Ross County. Her father, John Reedy, was a pioneer of Ross County, going there from Pennsylvania in 1821. The parents of our subject had two other children beside himself: Clara, who died in infancy; and Mina, who died in March, 1864, at the age of one year.

Our subject is the second child of the family and the sole survivor. After his mother's death, when he was fourteen years old, he went to live with his uncle, Martin Dresbach, with whom he remained until he was twenty years old. He was given fine educational advantages, and after attending the district schools, he entered the Ohio Wesleyan University, at Delaware, in 1873. He was a close student at that institution of learning two years, and brought a well-trained mind to his work, when in the spring of 1875, he returned to the old Dresbach homestead to take charge of it, and enter upon his career as a farmer, in which he has met with marked success. This farm, which his grandfather purchased of a Mr. Bishop in 1830 in all its original  wildness, comprises four hundred acres of choice land, all lying in a body, the soil being red sandy clay, or of limestone constituents, and very highly cultivated. It is finely situated, the land is beautifully rolling and diversified, and is well watered by Pumpkin Run, which is fed by springs and was never known to be dry. The drainage is also first-class, as Mr. Dresbach has paid great attention to that, sparing no money to perfect the system, and he has as much as eight miles of tiling, which was put in at a cost of $3,000. The farm is a model of its kind, and many of the fine improvements which greatly enhance its attractiveness and value have been placed here by himself. The buildings are substantially built, conveniently arranged, and roomy; the residence is a large, square frame house, of a handsome and appropriate style of architecture. Mr. Dresbach has engaged largely in feeding cattle the last fifteen years, and also in raising cattle of high grades. He does a large general farming business, and in his methods shows himself to be an  enlightened and progressive agriculturist, who already stands among the first men of his calling in his native county. He is brainy and well-informed, has decided and clear opinions of his own on all subjects with which he is conversant, and is manly and honorable in character. In politics, he is unswerving in his allegiance to the Republican party.

Our subject and Miss Pauline Hitler were united in marriage February 7, 1878, and they have one of the most charming and hospitable homes in the community. Four children complete their household circle: Marvin, John, Harry and Shirley. Mrs. Dresbach is a native of Pickaway County, and a daughter of Abraham Hitler. Her father was born in Pennsylvania, and came to Ohio in an early day of its settlement. He became a prosperous farmer in Washington Township, and there his life was brought to a close in 1869. His wife survived him until 1887, when she too passed away. They had two children, of whom our subject's wife is one, and the other is Mary, who married Frank Dreisbach, and lives in Circleville Township.





