Christian Eshelman
Christian Eshelman, farmer, P. O. Germantown, was born in Lancaster County, Penn., December 18, 1802, and is a son of John Eshelman, who died when our subject was a small boy. Christian grew to manhood in his native State, and, in 1831, was married to Catharine Ebby, daughter of Christian Ebby, both natives of Pennsylvania. Of this union, two children were born, one of whom, John C., survives. In 1835, Mr. Eshelman came to Ohio, and, being a blacksmith by trade, followed that calling for about twenty-five years. His wife died, and, October 13, 1874, he married Mrs. Sarah Denner, widow of George Denner, and daughter of Christopher and Catharine (Kern) Emerick, natives of Pennsylvania and pioneers of German Township. Her father was born January 23, 1771, and died in January, 1837. Her mother was born January 30, 1772; married Christopher Emerick January 16, 1793, and died in February, 1836. Mrs. Eshelman was born in German Township January 12, 1811, and her entire life has been passed in this vicinity. His son, John C., was married to Ellen Stump, who has borne him two children; one now living; he resides close to his father's farm, whose homestead is about two and a half miles south of Germantown, and the family belong to the Lutheran Church.
From The History of Montgomery County, Ohio, W.H. Beers & Co., 1882