John Jones
John Jones, a well-known retired merchant of London, was born in that village October 31, 1818, and is probably the oldest native-born resident in it. His father, William Jones, was born and reared near Knoxville, Tenn. He accompanied his father, Solomon Jones, to Ohio, at a very early day. William Jones was a blacksmith and a pioneer in that trade in London, where he settled in November 1814. He was also engaged in various occupations through life, such as buying property, dealing in grain, buying and selling goods, etc., and became very wealthy. He was a very liberal man, giving a great deal of money to assist those who needed financial help and for various charitable purposes. He was familiarly known as "Dad Jones," and was "everybody's friend." He suffered severely in the "crash of 1837," by paying security debts, and removed to his farm. A few years later, he died at London. John Jones was reared in the village of London, and the entire period he attended school would probably not exceed two years. He assisted his father in the store till of age, and was then employed as clerk in the store of William Warner, remaining in that position two years. In February, 1841, he married Jane H., daughter of John and Sarah Melvin, and a native of this county. After marriage, he rented a piece of land near London, where he farmed that following summer. The same fall William Warner was elected Sheriff of Madison County, and Mr. Jones was made his Deputy, removing to town, and serving in that position for four years. He was then elected Sheriff of the county on the Whig ticket, and served one term of two years. He refused a re-nomination, and since then has retired from official life, with the exception of serving twelve years as Justice of the Peace. Mr. Jones, like his father, has engaged in various occupations, and has accumulated a good property. He purchased a stock of groceries and started his three sons in business, and about 1875 retired from active business labor. He took charge of a younger brother, sent him to school. started him in business and subsequently studying law, and he is now a resident of Champaign, Ill. Mr. Jones was once a member of the Sons of Temperance, and on September 15, 1846, became a charter member of Madison Lodge, No. 70 (I. O. O. F.), of London. Six children have been born to himself and wife, four living -- Frank, Horace, Dollie (wife of V. H. Wilson of Lafayette), and Emma, wife of Harvey Chandler, of London. Frank. of Jones Brothers, wholesale and retail grocers, was born in London, February 26, 1847. He obtained a good education in the public schools of his native village, and in early life was engaged in farming. He then entered the employ of his father as a clerk, and subsequently farmed one year in Illinois. Upon the completion of the Union Pacific Railroad, he made a trip to California, being absent eight or nine months. In 1874, with his elder brother, Lucien, he purchased his father's stock and trade, and they remained together until the death of Lucien in 1876. A younger brother, Horace, then became a partner, the firm name still remaining "Jones Bros." The brothers have built up a very large trade, and no firm in London stand higher in the estimation of its citizens than they. Mr. Jones is a member of Madison Lodge, No. 70 (I. O. O. F.), and is Republican in politics. He was married, September 30, 1875 to Lizzie Koogler, a native of Champaign County, Ill. They have one child -- Nina K. Horace, the junior member of the firm, was born in London, September 6, 1852. He received a good education, and early in life was employed in his father's grocery. He subsequently clerked for his brothers. Lucien and Frank, and upon the death of the former became a member of the present firm. He resides in a neat and pleasant frame cottage on East High street. Mr. Jones is connected by membership with Mystic Lodge, No. 36, Knights of Pythias, and Madison Lodge, No. 70 I. O. O. F. His political views are decidedly Republican. He was united in marriage, September 10, 1879, to Lizzie, only daughter of Dr. J. T. Houston, of London.
From HISTORY OF MADISON COUNTY - W. H. Beers [Chicago, 1883]