John C. Jones
John C. Jones, P. O. London, a prominent and well known retired farmer and stock-raiser, of this township, was born in East Tennessee June 11, 1817. His grandfather, Solomon Jones, was a native of England, and came to the United States at an early day. One child, Zacheus Jones, the father of our subject, was born and reared in Tennessee. He came to Ohio in 1821, locating in Somerford Township, of this county, in the "Arbuckle neighborhood,'' on Deer Creek. He owned a farm of 110 acres, where he resided till his death, in 1823 or 1824. He was buried in the old "Baptist Churchyard," now the present site of the "Link Mill," on the "Wilson land." His wife was Elizabeth Key, also a native of Tennessee, who bore him four children, of whom two are now living—Sarah Ann (widow of John Bradley, now residing on Spring Fork, in DarbyTownship), and our subject. Mrs. Jones subsequently married Charles Atchison, who died five years later. She departed this life August 24, 1853. "Squire Jones," as he is familiarly known, grew to manhood on the home farm, receiving only a common school education. Having been reared to an agricultural life, he resolved to devote his further time in life to that useful occupation. On October 30, 1829, he married Sarah A., daughter of Thomas and Isabella Hume, a native of Ross County, Ohio, near Chillicothe. Mr. Jones resided in Deer Creek Township until ten or twelve years after marriage, when he removed to his present farm. He has been an active laborer through life, and has accumulated some property. He is the owner of 390 acres of fine land in this and Union Townships, and 600 acres in Southern Missouri. He was an earnest Whig until the formation of the Republican party, when he united with the latter organization. He served two terms as Infirmary Director of Madison County, and one term each at Township Trustee and Justice of the Peace. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are the parents of nine children, seven of whom are living—Mary E. (wife of David Watson, a member of the Board of County Commissioners and a very prominent man in agricultural and stock circles), William (married Sallie Minter, and resides on a farm near La Fayette, in Deer Creek Township), I. Dewitt (an attorney of Columbus, Ohio, who married Laura Harringer), Marion (at home). George (an attorney at law, of Columbus, Ohio, married Eva Lattimer), Ada, Flora and Fannie. John and Thomas are deceased Mrs. Jones is a worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal Church of London. Squire Jones and wife are well known throughout the county, and equally respected for their admirable traits of character.
From History of Madison County - W. H. Beers [Chicago, 1883]