Ohio Biographies

William Farrar

William Farrar, London, Cashier of the Central Bank, was born at the mouth of Oak Run, in what is now Oak Run Township, this county November 26, 1832. His father, Jonathan Farrar, was born in Yorkshire, England, in August, 1790. He was there reared and in April, 1820 came America, locating near Lawrenceburg, Ind., where he remained three years. He then went to Cincinnati, and two years later to Columbus. Two years subsequently, he located on what is now the "Gwynne land," in both Pleasant and Oak Run Townships. He resided there two and a half or three years, and then on Deer Creek, a short distance away. He bought a large amount of land, having at one time 1,300 or 1,400 acres in different farms throughout the county. He remained in Oak Run Township several years, and after a short residence at Springfield, Clark Co., Ohio, located at London, where he died July 22, 1874, aged eighty-four years. He married Mary Kilby, a native of England, and daughter of Henry Kilby, one of the better class of farmers of Great Britain. They had born to them eleven children -- six now living, and four residents of Madison County. Mrs Farrar died about 1852, aged fifty-nine years. Jonathan Farrar was a great reader, and well read in Bible history. In early and middle life, he was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, but at the time of his death, of the Protestant Episcopal Church. He was an honest, industrious man, fond of intelligent company, and when he hired a man to labor for him, the contract was made on the basis that the employe was to use no profane language while working for his employer. Mrs. Farrar was a very pious woman, and both were highly honored and respected. On one occasion (after his wife's death), Mr. Farrar, in company with Benjamin Browning and Charles Phellis made a trip to England, for the Madison County Importing Company, and returned with a herd of fine cattle. At the time of his death, he was very comfortably fixed, financially and otherwise. William Farrar was reared on the home farm, receiving a common school education. In early life, he went to Dayton, Wis., and for a year was engaged in shipping grain and flour to Chicano. He then returned to Madison County, and on January 1, 1859. he, in company with his brother John, purchased the business now owned by Jones Bros., and soon after the property. He also bought wool. and was engaged there until January 1, 1876, when he in company with his brother John, Robert Rea and others, organized the Central Bank, and was made Cashier, which position he still holds. He continued the wool business two years and is now engaged in the grain trade with Thomas Wood, under the firm name of Farrar & Wood. The firm own the large elevator on the Pan-Handle Railroad, and have an office on Center street. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and for the past eight or nine years has been a Trustee in that body. He is a strong Republican, and has served as Trustee of Union Township, member of Council and Clerk of the Village. Mr. Farrar was married, February 5, 1860 to Harriet S. Thomas, a native of Genese County, N. Y. They have five children -- Ida, Jessie, Colburn, Wade and Morton. Mrs. Farrar and the three eldest children are also members of the Methodist Episcopal denomination.


From HISTORY OF MADISON COUNTY - W. H. Beers [Chicago, 1883]



