Ohio Biographies

Luther Cary

Luther Cary, a native of New Jersey, married Rhoda Leonard, and at a very early day emigrated to the Redstone country, Pennsylvania, thence came down the Ohio River, and settled at or near Marietta, Ohio; thence, in 1800, with his family, he moved to Madison County, and located on the Big Darby, on land now owned by John Stallbird, just north of Amity, in Canaan Township, where he resided till his death, October 8, 1834, aged seventy-four years. His wife died May 15, 1846, aged ninety-one years. Their children were as follows: Benjamin, who married and settled near Wooster, Ohio, where he died; Luther, moved away and settled in Miami County. Calvin, married and settled at Cary, Ohio, from whom that town received its name; Stephen, married Catharine Johnson, and settled in this township, where he remained till his death; Ephraim, married Matilda Candy, and settled in this township, and resided several years, thence he removed into Union County, where he died; Jemima, married Jacob Johnson, and settled in Jefferson Township, when she died, and subsequently Phebe, who had married John Davis, and was left a widow by his death, married Mr. Johnson; Lydia, married John Johnson, and settled just below Amity, where they resided till aboul 1855, when they removed West; Rachel, married Alexander McCullough, and settled near Amity, but finally removed to Putnam County, Ohio, where she died; Abijah, married Catharine Johnson, and soon after settled where Jacob Millikin now lives, and here resided till his death, February 21, 1854, aged seventy-three years; his wife died February 1, 1851, in the sixty-fifth year of her age. They had the following children: Mary, Solomon, Absolom, Sarah, Rhoda, Abram, Rachel, Eliza and Lucinda; all grew to maturity, married and raised families, and all prosperous and good citizens of Madison County, most of whom became members of the Presbyterian Church, and honored and respected citizens of the community. Mr. Abijah Cary was horn March 6, 1781, and when nineteen years of age became a resident of this township, where he spent a long and useful life, having, at his death, been a resident here over half a century. He was a man of remarkable industry, and passed through all the arduous and dangerous trials of the pioneer days. The farm upon which he settled he purchased from the Government, by the original title of a patent. He was a man of firm character and principles, of undoubted integrity, and held the confidence of the people of his township, under whom he held most of its offices. He was fervent in the Presbyterian faith, although not a member of the church. His life was devoted to the genera] welfare of his family and community, and gave freely of his means and influence for every progress and improvement which tended to the general public good, and died esteemed and respected by a large circle of friends and acquaintances.


From History of Madison County - W. H. Beers [Chicago, 1883]



Luther Cary, who was born in New Jersey and in that state had married Rhoda Leonard, in an early day had emigrated to the Redstone country in Pennsylvania, from there down the Ohio river, settling first at or near Marietta, Ohio; thence, in 1800, with his family, he moved to Madison county and located on the Big Darby on land just north of Amity, in Canaan township, where he lived until his death, October 8, 1834, at the ripe old age of seventy-four years. His wife died on May 15, 1846, at the still more advanced age of ninety-one years. Their children were: Benjamin, who married and settled near Wooster, Ohio, where he died; Luther, who settled in Miami county; Calvin, who married and settled at Cary, Ohio, giving that place its name; Stephen. who married Catherine Johnson, and settled in this township, residing here until his death; Ephraim, who married Mathilda Gandy, settled in this township, but later moved to Union county, where he died; Jemima, who married Jacob Johnson, and settled in Jefferson township, where she died, and, subsequently, Phebe, who had married John Davis, and was left a widow by his death, married Mr. Johnson; Lydia, who married John Johnson, and settled just below Amity, where they resided until about 1855, when they removed West; Rachel, who married Alexander McCullough, and settled near Amity, but afterward removed to Putnam county, Ohio, where she died; Abijah, who married Catharine Johnson, and settled in this township, remaining here until his death, February 21, 1854, aged seventy-three years; his wife died February 4, 1851, in the sixty-fifth year of her age. They had the following children: Mary, Solomon, Absalom, Sarah, Rhoda. Abram, Rachel, Eliza and Lucinda; all grew to maturity, married and raised families, and all were prosperous and good citizens of Madison county, most of them becoming members of the Presbyterian church and honored and respected citizens of the community. Abijah Cary was born on March 6, 1781, and, when a lad of nineteen years, came to this county with his parents. He was a man of remarkable industry and passed through all the arduous and dangerous trials of the pioneer days.


From History of Madison County, Ohio, Chester E. Bryan, Supervising Editor, B.F. Bowen & Co., Indianapolis (1915)



