J. W. Chance
J. W. Chance, a rising and popular young dentist of this city was born in Clark County, Ohio, August 29, 1848. His ancestry can be traced hack in the following: Jeremiah Chance was an Englishman by birth, and came to America between 1730 and 1740, locating in Maryland, where he lived till his death. One son John Chance, was born near Baltimore about 1762. He married Martha Watkins. One son of this union, Samuel Chance, was born in Maryland, eighteen miles from Baltimore, in 1784. He was a wagon-maker by trade, and married Mary Smallwood, a native of Virginia, and daughter of Dean Smallwood. and niece of Brig. Gen. Smallwood, of Revolutionary fame. They were the parents of ten children, only three living. The father died near Catawba, Clark Co., Ohio, October 21, 1838, and the mother in Catawba March 1, 1870, aged eighty-one years. One of their three living children is William Chance, the father of our subject. He was born in Pleasant Township, Clark County, Ohio, July 14, 1815, and is now a resident of Champaign County. He married Henrietta Jones, born in Champaign County, Ohio, February 21, 1827, and daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Wooley) Jones. The latter was the daughter of Stephen Wooley, of Revolutionary fame, who was the son of William Wooley. This latter married Margaret Brown, a grand-daughter of Walford Weber, grandson of King William IV, of Holland. He came to America in 1649. and purchased a goodly portion of Manhattan Island, now the site of New York City. His sister, Aneke Jans, left an estate embracing 192 acres of and in the heart of New York City, and for which the heirs now lay claim. It will thus be seen that William Chance's wife, the mother of our subject is of royal blood, sixth in line from King William IV, of Holland. She has been the mother of eight children, five living, and two residing in London, this county, subject and brother, John S., his assistant. The subject of this notice was reared on a farm, obtaining a very fair education. He was engaged in teaching school in Champaign County for two years, and for five years in Jefferson and Deer Creek Townships, of this county. About 1876, he commenced the practical study of dentistry, at Columbus, with Dr. R. G. Warner, of that city, a former resident of London. He remained with him one year and then came to London. He immediately formed a partnership with Dr. Carter, which was dissolved by the latter's death, in 1878. Dr. Chance then took charge of the entire business, and has steadily increased it until at present he has one of the finest offices in Central Ohio, and a practice large and remunerative. He is an indefatigable worker, and well merits the success that has followed his every effort. He is connected by membership with the Ohio State Dental Association, the M. E. Church. and is a true believer in the principles of the Republican party. Dr. Chance was married. November 30, 1876, to Allie E. Snyder, a native of Madison County, and daughter of John and Drusilla (Ellsworth) Snyder. They have two children -- Paul A. and Ethel. Mrs. Chance is also a consistent member of the M. E. denomination.
From HISTORY OF MADISON COUNTY - W. H. Beers [Chicago, 1883]