John Arbuckle
In 1805, John Arbuckle, a native of Greenbrier County, Va., located upon 400 acres of land, where his son Jacob now resides, in Somerford Township. He was born October 2, 1771, and married Nancy Sturgeon October 3, 1799, who bore him two children—Elizabeth and Sarah. His wife died prior to the war of 1812, and, February 2, 1813, he married Elizabeth Bishop, who became the mother of the following children: William, Mathew, Susan, Charles, Rebecca and Jacob, several of whom are living and among the most respected citizens of Madison County. Upon the erection of this county, Mr. Arbuckle was elected one of the County Commissioners, and served through 1810. From 1811-16, he was one of the Associate Judges; was County Commissioner in 1820-21, and again Associate Judge from 1821 to 1835, inclusive. In the sessions of 1830-37 and 1837-38, he represented this Senatorial District in the Ohio General Assembly, and in all these ollicial trusts he fully retained the confidence of the people who had chosen him to execute the public business. Like all valuable citizens, he was constantly called upon to fill the many minor offices of his township, from its organization until his death, September 30, 1845. His widow survived him nearly twenty years, dying, April 8, 1865. Judge Arbuckle was an adherent of the Whig party; yet, while firm in his opinions, he was not offensive, and won and retained hosts of friends of every creed and political faith.
From History of Madison County - W. H. Beers [Chicago, 1883]