Ohio Biographies

Joseph C. Weber

One of the thriving enterprises of Ironton which occupies a firmly established place in the commercial world is Weber Brothers' Greenhouse, located at No. 377 South Sixth Street. This business is characteristic of the energy, progress and good management which have contributed to Ironton 's prestige, and its managers. Joseph C. and Frank M. Weber, are justly accounted leaders among the younger generation of business men here. They are sons of Joseph and Mary (Dirker) Weber, the former of whom was born in Germany in 1846 and came to the United States in young manhood, settling at Hecla Furnace, Lawrence County, Ohio. For many years Mr. Weber was engaged in blacksmithing, and was known as an industrious and energetic business man, but is now retired from active life and lives quietly at his home at Ironton. The mother, who also survives, was born in Lawrence County, Ohio, in 1854. There were twelve children in the family, as follows: Fred W., Joseph C., Frank M., Mary, John F., Albert M., Rosa, Philip W., Henry, Leonard, Lizzie and Clara. Of these, Mary, Rosa and Lizzie are deceased. Joseph C. Weber was born in Lawrence County, Ohio, July 14, 1878, and until reaching the age of seventeen years attended the public school at Kelly's Mills. At that time he began working on a farm, where he developed a love for flowers and plants as well as decided skill in their culture. When twenty-one years old he came to Ironton, where he received his initiation into the greenhouse business as an employe of Mrs. E. Miller, who had an established business. Seven years later, in partnership with his brother, Frank M., Mr. Weber bought Mrs. Miller's interests, and since that time the business has been conducted as Weber Brothers' Greenhouse. The business has steadily grown in volume and scope, and at this time is valued at $11,000. The buildings are modern, and thoroughly equipped with up-to-date appurtenances, the brothers keeping fully abreast of the advancements which have been made in their line of activity. Joseph C. Weber is a director in the Ironton Athletic and Amusement Company, and is greatly interested in athletics and out-of-door sports, particularly hunting and baseball. He takes an interest in the business growth of the city, and has contributed thereto as a member of the Chamber of Commerce. A consistent member of St. Joseph's Catholic Church, he has served as trustee thereof for the past ten years, and is also an active member of the Knights of Columbus and St. George's Society. Politically, he is a democrat, but has only taken a good citizen,s part in public matters. Mr. Weber is unmarried.

Frank M. Weber was born in 1880, in Lawrence County, Ohio, and, like his brother, attended the schools of Kelly's Mills until seventeen years of age. He also began his career on a farm, on which he remained for five years, following which he spent two years in the iron works. He then joined his brother in the florist business, to which he has since devoted all of his energies. Mr. Weber is a member of St. Joseph's Catholic Church and of St. George's Society. He is a democrat, but his business duties have precluded any idea of his actively entering politics as a seeker for personal preferment.

On Octoher 27. 1908, Mr. Weber was united in marriage with Miss Clara M. Ball, daughter of Martin Ball, of Ironton.


From "A Standing History of the Hanging Rock Iron Region of Ohio" by Eugene B. Willard, Daniel W. Williams, George O. Newman and Charles B. Taylor.  Published by Lewis Publishing Company, 1916



