Ohio Biographies

Isidore C. Hoffman

That Isidor C. Hoffman should attain such a high position in the business life of Ironton before reaching his thirtieth year argues in itself the possession of abilities of a superior order. That he should be the head of the largest electric contracting company in the city, with the most modern and complete store in Lawrence County, evidences his organizing and executive ability. Furthermore, that he should be prominent in civic and social life, a stirring, active and public-spirited citizen, shows that he is a young man of remarkable ambition and determination, and that if the past may be taken as a criterion for the future, he should go far in whatever line of endeavor he devotes himself to.

Mr. Hoffman was born January 2, 1886, at Ironton, and is a member of a well known family here, Leonard J. and Mary E. (Schieder) Hoffman, his parents, having both had this city for their place of nativity, the former born in 1862 and the latter in 1864. Leonard J. Hoffman has long been connected with business life at Ironton, and at present is the manager of a shoe store. There have been five children in the family: Isidor C, Norma, Phyllis, Emerson and one child who died in infancy. After attending the parochial school of St. Joseph's Catholic Church and Ironton High School, Isidor C. Hoffman started to learn the electrical trade at the age of seventeen years and was engaged thereat for a period of four years. Following this he attended the Bliss Electrical School at Washington, D. C, and was graduated therefrom in 1908, at which time he returned to Ironton and established himself in business as the head of the Hoffman Electric Company, with a store on Park Avenue, between Third and Fourth streets.  His success has been remarkable from the start, and his business has increased by leaps and bounds, so that he finds himself, while still a young man, in possession of an enterprise that gives him a position among the substantial business men of the city. He has won prosperity solely through the medium of his own abilities and efforts, and is worthy of the esteem in which he is held by those who have come in contact with him in either a business or social way.

Mr. Hoffman was married at Ironton, June 15, 1910. to Miss Harriet Kimbler, daughter of Winfield and Laura (Herron) Kimbler, and to this union there has come one child: Harriet Vivian. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman are consistent and devout members of St. Joseph's Catholic Church. He is independent in his political views, preferring to use his own judgment in his selection of public officials rather than to depend upon party choice, while his fraternal connections are with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and the Modern Woodmen of America, in addition to which he holds membership in the Ironton Chamber of Commerce. He is very fond of reading, is a skilled hunter and fisherman, and is also musically inclined, being master of traps in the Yates Saxapbone Trio. Altogether he fills a large place in the community in which he has always made his home, and his popularity is evidenced by an ever-increasing circle of loyal and sincere friends.


From "A Standing History of the Hanging Rock Iron Region of Ohio" by Eugene B. Willard, Daniel W. Williams, George O. Newman and Charles B. Taylor.  Published by Lewis Publishing Company, 1916



