Ohio Biographies

Fred Frecka

There is something to be found of a nature more than ordinarily interesting in the career of one who has won his own way in the world and who in spite of handicaps and difficulties has attained the goal of success which he has set before him. Such a man is Fred Frecka, well known as a plumber and also favorably known to the citizens of Ironton as the former capable superintendent of the water works. In almost every respect he is self-made and self-educated, and the services he rendered his community in his official capacity were such as to entitle him to a place among the builders of Lawrence County's most thriving city. Mr. Frecka was born at Ironton. Ohio, April 5, 1873, and is a son of Henry and Kathryn (Brinkman) Frecka.

Henry Frecka was born in Germany in 1838, and like many of his ambitious fellow-countrymen decided that a more promising future awaited him across the water. Accordingly, at the age of twenty-two years, he emigrated to the United States and soon settled at Ironton. where he became the proprietor of a flourishing ice business and through industry and integrity made a place for himself among his adopted city's substantial men. He took a keen interest in civic affairs, and during the two terms that he served as councilman was instrumental in the making of beneficial laws. His death occurred in 1908. Mrs. Frecka, who was also born in Germany in 1838, survives her husband aud makes her home at Ironton. There were ten children in the family: Kathryn, Minnie, Charles, Tillie, Henry, Fred, Louis, Mary and two who died in infancy.

Fred Frecka attended the public schools of Ironton until reaching the age of fourteen years, and during this time displayed his industrious and energetic nature by working on the ice wagon for his father. He then became apprenticed to the trade of plumber, and after working at this vocation under Pete Constable for four years opened a store of his own, continuing to conduct this establishment until 1912. He gained during this time a reputation for skilled workmanship and fidelity to engagements which gained for him, in 1912, the appointment to the office of superintendent of the water works, a position in which he eminently proved his ability and his high value to the city. During his incumbency Mr. Frecka improved the water service in various ways, relaying a great deal of old and small pipe with larger lines, and thus greatly increasing the supply. His conscientious and energetic efforts met with the approval of the people, and no city official was held in higher general esteem. A republican in politics, Mr. Frecka has been active in the ranks of his party, and has served as councilman of Ironton since 1908. He is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, and his religious connection is with the German Reformed Church.

Mr. Frecka was married February 8. 1891. at the home of the bride, to Miss .Mary C. Massie, daughter of Isaac and Philona Massie, of Greasy Ridge, Lawrence County. Four children have been born to this union, of whom two survive: Hazel G., who is a popular school teacher of Ironton; and Chauncy M., who is still attending school. The pleasant family home is located at 249 South Third Street.


From "A Standing History of the Hanging Rock Iron Region of Ohio" by Eugene B. Willard, Daniel W. Williams, George O. Newman and Charles B. Taylor.  Published by Lewis Publishing Company, 1916



