John Campbell
John Campbell was born near Ripley, Ohio, January 14, 1808. In 1834 he removed to Hanging Rock, and became identified with the iron interests of this region, building in connection with Robert Hamilton the Mount Vernon Furnace. The "Biographical Cyclopaedia of Ohio" says of him:
"It was here that he made the change of placing the boilers and hot blast over the tunnel head, thus utilizing the waste gases-a proceeding now generally adopted by the charcoal furnaces of that locality and others elsewhere in the United States." In 1837, through the guarantee against any loss by Mr. Campbell and three other iron-masters, Vesuvius Furnace was induced to test the hot blast principle. This, the first hot blast ever erected in America, was put up by William Firmstone, and though, by those opposed to the principle, it was contended that by it the iron would be weakened and rendered unfit for casting purposes, the result proved satisfactory to all concerned in producing an increased quantity of iron of the desired quality for foundry use.
"In 1849 he became prime mover and principal stockholder in the organization of the Ohio Iron and Coal Company, and was made its president. This company purchased four hundred acres of land three miles above Hanging Rock, and laid out the town of Ironton, to which Mr. Campbell gave its name."
He is justly accorded the honor of being called the "father and founder of Ironton."
In 1850 he removed from Hanging Rock to the newly founded town, and has ever since been prominently identified with its remarkable growth and development, as well as that of the entire surrounding region.
In 1852 he purchased the celebrated Hecla cold blast furnace.
He now enjoys in his old age, the veneration and respect of all who know of him and his grand life-work, in developing the industries and wealth of this region, bringing as it has increased comforts and happiness to a large number of his fellow-men.
To no other single individual is so much due for developing the resources of Hanging Rock Iron Region.
From Historical Collections of Ohio, Vol 2 by Henry Howe. (pub 1888)