John T. Williamson
John T. Williamson, formerly one of Island Creek Township's most respected citizens, whose death occurred on February 25, 1898, bringing to a close a long and useful life, was a native of Washington County, Pennsylvania, where he was born in February, 1825. He was a son of James and Esther (McNary) Williamson.
John T. Williamson was reared to manhood in his native county, and obtained his education in the district schools. He then accompanied his parents to Brooke County, West Virginia, where he continued to live until 1863, when he moved to Jetferson County and settled on the farm of 157 acres, which is situated near the village of Island Creek. On this farm he spent many busy years, successfully cultivating the land and increasing his livestock. He became one of the prominent men of the township and enjoyed the respect and confidence of his fellow citizens, and for fourteen consecutive years was elected township treasurer. He was public-spirited, and took an interest in all that promised to be of permanent benefit to the community in which he lived. He was an earnest supporter of the principles of the Repblican party, with which he had identified himself soon after its organization. For many years he was an elder in the United Presbyterian Church at Knoxville, to which his widow belongs.
On June 12, 1851, in Brooke County, West Virginia, Mr. Williamson was married to Miss Anna Bosley, who was born there September 7, 1828. Her parents were William and Susan (Thorley) Bosley, both of whom died in Brooke County. Of the family of seven children born to Mr. and Mrs. Williamson, but two survive: John, who lives in Island Creek Township; and James C, who resides at Steubenville. The former resides with his mother on the home farm and is the manager of the estate. He married Sophia Kellermier, a daughter of Henry aud Sophia (Ottken) Kellermier. The father and mother were born in Germany. The mother is deceased, but the father lives in Island Creek Towuship. To John and Sophia Williamson two children have been born: Ralph B. and Beulah S. With his wife he belongs to Centre Chiapel Methodist Episcopal Chiurch, of which he is a trustee. In politics he follows the example set by his late father.
20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, by Joseph B. Doyle. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910