Joseph Stroud
Joseph Stroud, an experienced farmer and highly respected citizen of Cross Creek Township, in which his valuable farm of 100 acres is situated, has been a resident of Jefferson County all his life and was born in Steubenville Township, October 12, 1863. His parents were Harlen and Eleanor (Parish) Stroud. Harlen Stroud was a farmer in Cross Creek Township, where his death took place. He was well known all through this section. He and his wife are survived by the following children: Joseph; Sallie, who married James Maloney; Susan, who married Thomas Rousch; and Rachel, who is the widow of Sherman Cox.
Joseph Stroud went to school diiring the usual boyhood period but did not prolong it as he wished to work at farming, having his own way to make in the world. For the first ten years he found it most satisfactory and profitable to work by the month, after which he rented land up to 1903, when he bought his farm from the Lloyd heirs. He has made all necessary improvements and carries on a general farming line here and is meeting with anticipated success, and he has found that his judgment was not at fault when he made this investment.
In March, 1900, Mr. Stroud was married to Miss Sarah Long, a daughter of John Long, who was a well known stone mason in Jefferson County. The brothers and sisters of Mrs. Stroud are as follows: Lucy, who married S. Angle; Victoria, who married John Long; Martha, who is the widow of Albert Kulp; Maggie, who married Fred Marquar; Ella, who is the wife of Charles Plotts, and John, Albert and Stanton. Mr. and Mrs. Stroud have four children, Lucy, Martha, Bertha and Wilda. Mr. and Mrs. Stroud are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics Mr. Stroud is a Democrat, as was his father. He is a member of Wildwood Lodge, No. 590, Odd Fellows, at New Alexandria.
20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, by Joseph B. Doyle. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910