Charles W. Stark
Charles W. Stark, formerly a trustee of Island Creek Township, residing on the Steubenville turnpike road, where he owns a farm of 125 acres, was born in Island Creek Township, Jefferson County, Ohio, August 22, 1866, and is a son of Matthew and Mary J. (Stone) Stark, both of whom were born in Cross Creek Township, Jefferson County.
Matthew Stark was a son of James Stark, who was born in Scotland, and came to America in 1825 and located in Jefferson County, Ohio. For many years Matthew Stark was a highly respected farmer in Island Creek Township, where his death occurred in 1908. He married Mary J Stone, who still survives with five of their children: Howard, who lives in Island Creek Township; Ada V., who is the wife of James H. Fisher, of Cross Creek Township; George W., whose home is in this township ; Harry R., who is pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Saginaw, Mich.; and Charles W. The mother of the above family is now in her seventy-ninth year, but is still in the enjoyment of good health, and enjoys meeting her family and friends just the same as for many years past.
Charles W. Stark attended the district schools of Island Creek Township, and since then has been more or less continuously engaged in farming, settling on his present property in 1899. In large degree he has made his own way in the world, and is entitled to the high regard in which he is held in his neighborhood. As was his late father, he is a Republican, and by that party was elected township trustee, and served two terms, being president of the board, and has also frequently been a member of the school board. He is a very intelligent, liberal minded man, in every way a good citizen.
Mr. Stark married Miss Emma M. Crawford, a daughter of the late Edward Crawford, of Island Creek Township, and they have four children: Harry C, Mary V, Helen F. and Hawley E. Mr. Stark and family are members of the Methodist Episcopal church at Wintersville, and has served on its board of trustees.
From 20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, by Joseph B. Doyle. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910