Ulysses Grant Powell
Ulysses Grant Powell, general farmer in Island Creek Township, was born here September 18, 1864, and is a son of Aaron B. and Julia (Ault) Powell.
Aaron B. Powell was born in Columbiana County, Ohio, and was a son of Jehu Powell, who was also born there, and was probably of Welsh extraction. John Powell came very early to Island Creek Township and was accompanied by his family, his son, Aaron B., being then but a boy. This family was one of the first to settle at the mouth of Island Creek. Here Aaron B. Powell became a well known man and during his active years followed the trade of millwright. He cast his first Presidential vote for Martin Van Buren. After some years of retiremeut, he died, in 1891. He married Julia Ault, who was bom in Island Creek Towuship, and survived him some years. Of their children the following are still living: Lucy E., who is the wife of Daniel O. Findley, of Island Creek Township; Jennie P., who is the wife of Daniel Gallentine, of Pomona, Kan.; Alice, who is the wife of William J. Lee, of Island Creek Township; and Ulysses G.
Ulysses G. Powell was reared in his native township and has always lived here. In August, 1884, he was married to Miss Norma D. Peacher, of Hancock County, West Virginia, a daughter of George W. and Eliza J. Peacher. The father was born in Maryland and is now deceased. The mother was born in West Virginia and resides with Mr. and Mrs. Powell. The latter have four children: Arthur T., Edna, Donald G. and Marjorie A. The family belongs to Bray's Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics Mr. Powell has always been a Republican.
From 20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, by Joseph B. Doyle. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910