Frederick Cline Pew
Frederick Cline Pew, secretary of the Ohio Plaster and Supply Company, is a well known business man of Steubenville, where he has resided during the past seven years. Mr. Pew was born in Warren, O., in 1875, and was there reared to maturity. After the completion of his educational training, he engaged in the banking business with the Warren Savings Bank Campany, learning every detail of that business during his seven and a half years' connection with that institution. In 1903 he moved to Steubenville, where he became one of the organizers of the Elastic Pulp Company, of which he was secretary and treasurer. March 15, 1905, the business of that company was taken over by the Ohio Plaster and Supply Company, of which Mr. Pew was made secretary. They manufacture every kind of hard wall plaster known to the trade, doing a large business both wholesale and retail in builders supplies and having salesmen on the road.
July 29, 1897, Mr. Pew was joined in marriage with Miss Donna Smith, of Youngstown, O., and their family consists of three children, namely, Julia Caroline, Walter Elliott and Frederick Cline, Jr. In religious attachment, the family belongs to the Second Presbyterian Church. Mr. Pew is affiliated with the Elks, and is a member of the Steubenville Country Club. He also belongs to the Steubenville Chamber of Commerce, and is at present a member of the transportation committee.
From 20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, by Joseph B. Doyle. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910