Ohio Biographies

William W. Murray

William W. Murray, a leading farmer of Mt. Pleasant Township, Jefferson County, Ohio, where he owns a well improved and finely cultivated farm containing 163½ acres, was born near East Wheeling, in Ohio County, West Virginia, January 27, 1852, and is a son of William and Euphemia (Mason) Murray.

William Murray was born in the city of Edinburg, Scotland, where he married. In 1848 he came to America and shortly afterward entered the employ of Albany & Richards, at New York and had charge of their greenhouse, gardening being his business. From there he went to Wheeling, W. Va., but later moved across the Ohio River and located on Glenn's Run, on the east side of Martin's Ferry, where he remained until 1860. He then came to Mt. Pleasant Township and for about eleven years lived one mile west of the village of Mt. Pleasant, on the old plant road. Later he returned to West Virginia and engaged in farming for three years in Marshall County. Returning again to Jelferson County he settled on what was called the Nathaniel Rix farm, which property he later bought from Milton Pettit. He lived on that farm for about ten years and then moved back to Mt. Pleasant. While residing here he made a trip to Scotland, and subsequently while on a second trip to his native land to revisit the scenes of his earlier life, his death occurred, on March 13, 1902, when he was aged sixty-two years. He was buried as he would have wished, with his forefathers in the historic old city of Eidinburg. He was twice married, first to Euphemia Mason, who died in 1884, and afterwards to Miss Betsey Fowler, also in Scotland, who died in 1904. To the parents of William W. Murray there were born eleven children, several of whom died in infancy, and of these, John, the first born, died on the Atlantic ocean. James grew to manhood and died at Martin's Ferry. William W. was the third in order of birth. Elizabeth, who is deceased, was the wife of James Caldwell. Effie belongs to that band of contageous and self sacrificing women, wlio have devoted their lives to missionary work in far-off China. Mary is the wife of William Heburn, a road contractor, residing at Mt. Pleasant. Annie died when aged eighteen years. John owns an excellent farm near Smithfield, O., and is also engaged in teaming. George died at the age of three years. The parents of this family were members of the Presbyterian Church at Martin's Ferry.

William W. Murray obtained his education by attending school for a short time at Emerson, O., and also at Long Run, W. Va. He early began agricultural work, and after his marriage operated the Nathan Pettit farm in Jefferson County. Subsequently lie moved to the Maggie Harrison place, in Warren Township and from there, two years later, to the old home place. He then purchased a farm of thirty-two acres, south of Mt. Pleasant, but subsequently moved to the Lloyd farm in Belmont County, and lived there for three years before coming to the property he now occupies. He bought this land from George Sixsmith or his heirs. It was formerly known as the Washington Mitchell farm and after it had changed hands, as the Dr. Updegraff farm. Mr. Murray has lived on this place for the past eight years. He has put the land under fine cultivation and has made excellent improvements. Through his own industry and prudence he acquired the capital he has thus invested, and through his excellent agricultural methods his farm is increasing yearly in productiveness.

On August 28, 1882, Mr. Murray was married to Miss Rachel Scannahorn, a daughter of Aaron and Emeline Scannahorn, of Warren Township, this county, and there are living six of the ten children born to them, namely: Allen, who married Mary Wells, a daughter of Theodore Wells, and has two children—Edna and Gertrude; Clara, the wife of Charles Woods, of Smithfield, and mother of one child, Esther Woods; Grover, who married Ethel Goff, daughter of Ross Goff; and Duncan, Elma and Velma, all residing at home. Four children died in infancy. In politics Mr. Murray is a Democrat. He is affiliated with the Masons.


From 20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, by Joseph B. Doyle. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910


