W. C. McMaster
W. C. McMaster, clerk of the courts of Jefferson County, Ohio, and a much esteemed citizen of Steubenville, O., was born near Amsterdam, this county, in 1863 and is a son of James Crawford McMaster, now deceased. He was reared in Jefferson County, attended the local schools and spent two years at Mt. Union College, after which he was engaged in the mercantile business at Toronto, Pa. for nine years. At the end of that time he sold the business and became identified with the Pope Tin Plate Company of Steubenville, with which he was associated for six years. Mr. McMaster has for some years taken an active interest in politics and in November, 1908, was elected clerk of the courts of Jefferson County, Ohio, and assumed the responsibilities of that office on the first Monday in August 1909. He holds membership in the Second Presbyterian Church, and is now a member of its board of deacons. His fraternal connections are with the Knights of Pvthias No. 1, and the F. & A. M. No. 45 of Steubenville. Mr. McMaster was married in 1889 to Laura M. Coe, who is a daughter of Benjamin Coe of Jefferson County, Ohio, and they have had two children; Earl B. McMaster, deputy clerk of Jefferson County; and Helen M. McMaster.
From 20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, by Joseph B. Doyle. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910