Samuel May
Samuel May, a member of the firm of May & Leopold, furniture dealers at Steubenville, O., is a native of this city, born in 1875, and is a son of William May, one of the old and respected citizens of Steubenville.
Samuel May was educated in the Steubenville schools and the first work he ever engaged in was with his brother, in the hat and fur business, with which he remained connected for five years. He then went into the clothing business with his uncle, Joseph May, and so continued until March 15, 1904, when, in partnership with L. M. Leopold, he established the firm of May & Leopold. The firm is in a very prosperous condition, having shrewd business men to manage it and an exceptionally fine location. The four-story building and basement situated on the corner of Market and Court Streets is occupied, each floor being 18 bv 120 feet in dimensions. Only reliable furniture is carried in stock although every grade is represented, it being the aim of the firm to satisfy every taste and purse. Mr. May is an active member of the Steubenville chamber of Commerce. He is identified with the Elks.
From 20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, by Joseph B. Doyle. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910