Ohio Biographies

Samuel K. Moore

Samuel K. Moore, a well known citizen and prosperous general farmer of Warren Township, Jefferson County, Ohio, resides on a well cultivated farm of 169 acres which he owns in association with his two sons, Charles L. and Joseph E. Moore, which is favorably located on the new turnpike road in Section 30, Warren Townshio. Mr. Moore was bom in the old log house then standing on his father's farm in Belmont County, Ohio, January 9, 1845, and is a son of Clark and Julia Ann (King) Moore.

Clark Moore was born in 1811 in Belmont County, and spent his whole life there, dying at the age of eighty-three years. His parents were Joseph and Mary (Alexander) Moore, and it is known that Joseph Moore was born in Ireland. The names of seven of his children have been preserved: Clark, Samuel, James, John and Joseph, all of whom are now deceased; Sarah, who was the wife of John Marlow (both deceased); and Jennie, who was the wife of Rev. McCoy (both deceased). Clark Moore married Julia Ann King, whose death preceded his. She was a woman of many virtues and was the beloved mother of seven children, as follows: Emma Jane, who is the widow of Benjamin Perry; Samuel K.; Sarah E., who is the widow of Wilson Gibbons; Joseph E.; Mary, who is the wife of Smith Cunningham; Rachel, deceased, who was the wife of George Donley; and Anna Belle, who is the wife of John Beaver. Clark Moore was a highly respected citizen of Belmont County and was probably an excellent business man as he acquired valuable property and owned two farms of some extent.

Samuel K. Moore, like the other members of his family, has been more interested in farming from youth up than in any other occupation and through long years of experience both in Belmont and Jefferson Counties, has discovered the best methods to follow and the best machinery to make use of, hence is quite successful and, with his sons, is numbered with Warren Township's substantial men. After his school days at Scott's Bidge were over, he helped his father and inherited a part of the family estate. After selling the Belmont County farm, he came to Jefferson County and for two years rented the Hope farm in Warren Township, then the Haythorn farm for four years and the William Medill farm for three years and then settled on the present farm, which he rented for six years and in 1906 purchased the land from the Carpenter heirs.

Mr. Moore was married April 24, 1869, to Miss Maria E. DeVault, who was born in Belmont County, Ohio, the youngest of a large family of children. Her parents were Nathaniel and Isabella (Parry) DeVault, the former of whom was probably born in Germany and the latter was brought to America from England when she was five years old. Mr. and Mrs. Moore have had the following children: Alvin; Charles L.; Joseph Ellis, who married Edna Bell, and has one son, Robert Wilson; Ross, who died in 1909, married Lucretia Bigger and left two children—Agnes R. and George Samuel; and Russell. Mr. Moore and his sons are Democrats.


From 20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, by Joseph B. Doyle. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910


