Ohio Biographies

James R. Mansfield

James R. Mansfield, a leading citizen of Wayne Township, where he has been prominently identified with Republican politics for many years, has resided on his present farm of ninety-seven acres since the .spring of 1860, and has been one of the township's well known agriculturists and stockmen. Mr. Mansfield was born in Wayne Township, Jefferson County, O., June 20, 1831, a son of James and Susan (Davis) Mansfield, the former a native of Wayne Township, and the latter of Mt. Pleasant Township.

James Mansfield, the father of James R., was a son of Thomas Mansfield, who settled in the woods of Wayne Township at an early day. James Mansfield died during the early '80s. Of his children the following survive: James R.; John W., residing in Wayne Township; Nancy, who is the wife of John Hill, residing at Hopedale, O.; Amanda, who is the widow of Samuel Baxter, residing at Hopedale; Mary E., who is the widow of Alexander Rittenhouse, residing in Wayne Township, near Unionport; Emmeline, who is the widow of Reason Holmes, residing at New Athens, Harrison County, O.; and Susan, who is the widow of Leslie Harrah, residing in Harrison County.

James R. Mansfield was reared to manhood in Wayne Township, where his education was secured in the public schools. His youth was spent much the same as other farmers' sons, and he chose the calling of an agriculturist as his life work, settling on his present place in the spring of 1860. For a period of five years prior to this date he worked in a number of western states. He finally bought a quarter section of land within three miles of Winterset, Iowa. He returned to his old home and was married and then for two years he and his wife lived in their western home. In 1860 he returned but did not sell his Iowa farm until a couple of years later. During the Civil War he became a member of Company G, 157th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in the 100 days' service, and received an honorable discharge, after which he returned to his farm, where he has resided ever since. Mr. Mansfield is a self-made man, having achieved success through his own individual efforts. In addition to his agricultural interests and the raising of valuable cattle, he keeps, on an average, of 200 sheep.

On April 22, 1858, Mr. Mansfield was united in marriage with Miss Lizzie Coe, who was born in Island Creek Township, Jefferson County, a daughter of Moses Coe, a well known agriculturist of that township. She died in 1908, having been the mother of five children, of whom three are living: Ida, who is the wife of Amos Hammond, residing in Wayne Township; Ellsworth E., who farms the home farm in Wayne Township, and also owns a farm two miles south of here; and James C, a prominent attorney of Cleveland. Miles C. and Esther E. are deceased. Mr. Mansfield has been an active and useful citizen and served several terms as township treasurer. His religious connection is with the Bloomfield Methodist Episcopal Church, where he is now acting in the capacity of steward and class leader.


From 20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, by Joseph B. Doyle. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910


