James Alexander McCullough
James Alexander McCullough, a prominent and influential citizen of Wells Township, who is engaged in farming and dairying on the old Smiley H. Johnston homestead, about one and one-half miles northwest of Brilliant, was born February 19, 1866, on a farm in Washington County, Pennsylvania, and is a son of John and Esther (Reed) McCullough.
John McCullough was born and reared in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and after reaching manhood went to Washington County, where he located on a farm. He married a Miss Marshall, who died leaving two children: Margaret, who married John Cook; and John J. F. He subsequently married Esther Reed, and to them were born four children: Harriet, who married P. H. Gilbert; Ella, deceased, who was the wife of Mr. Swerrington; Mollie, who married W. G. Scott; and James A., our subject. John McCullough died in Washington County, Pennsylvania, aged sixty-six years, and his widow died aged sixty-four years, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. G. Scott, of Wellsville, O.
James A. McCullough was but ten years old when his father died and afterward lived with his half-brother, J. J. F. McCullough. He early in life began working on Ihe farm and obtained but little schooling. He came to Jefferson County with his brother, with whom he remained until eighteen years of age, and in the fall of 1883 started out in life for himself. He first worked as a mason on the Pan Handle Railroad, then as a brakeman for two years, on the C. P. R. R., after which he returned to the farm. He also worked for sometime in the steel mills at Mingo Junction and then came to his present location, where he began in the dairy business with his brother, J. J. F. McCullough. One year later he and his brother's son, F. M. McCullough, began operating the dairy on shares, and four years later our subject took entire charge of his present place and F. M. McCullough took the Mingo trade. Mr. McCullough cultivates a tract of 275 acres and owns twenty-five head of thoroughbred Holstein cattle, and operates a milk route in Brilliant.
Mr. McCullough was married May 24, 1899, to Sadie Andrews, who is a daughter of James and Anna Andrews, of Burgettstown, Pa., and they have three children: James Marshall, Charles Kenneth, and Anna May. Mr. McCullough is a Republican in politics. He attends the Presbyterian Church.
20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, by Joseph B. Doyle. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910